Our Team

Meet Our Genies

Dr. Constance Santego, Ph.D.

Founder – CEO & CTO

Meet our Health, Innovation, and Growth Genie

Dr. Constance Santego’s deep involvement with 3Jinn, drawing from her vast experience in both entrepreneurship and holistic health, exemplifies the fusion of business acumen and wellness insight. Her journey, marked by innovation and a desire to nurture growth, spans across founding many companies, BookWizard Hub’s Apps to authoring 23+ books, highlighting her role as a pivotal connector in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Through her educational initiatives and holistic practices, she aims to elevate entrepreneurs in the wellness sector, offering a unique blend of business acumen and transformative insights. Dr. Santego’s vision for 3Jinn.com encompasses a nurturing space for learning and connection, aiming to empower individuals beyond conventional entrepreneurial paths, evidenced by her extensive work and dedication.

Cheryl Butler


Meet our Financial Genie

Cheryl’s role at 3Jinn bridges her extensive tax and financial expertise with a passion for holistic wellness, particularly through harmonic sound balancing. This unique blend of skills ensures a supportive, client-centered approach within the realm of entrepreneurship, addressing business owners’ logistical and spiritual needs. Her commitment not only eases the stress associated with financial management but also embodies the holistic ethos of 3Jinn, showcasing the transformative potential of integrating business growth with personal well-being.

Kirstie Seifert


Meet our Admin Genie

Kirstie’s multifaceted expertise in corporate administration, event planning, and entrepreneurship, enriched by her personal experiences with holistic treatments, provides 3Jinn with invaluable insights into balancing professional demands with personal well-being. Her diverse skill set ensures that 3Jinn’s operations are innovative and holistic, reflecting a deep understanding of the interplay between business efficiency and the human element at the core of entrepreneurship.

Meet Our Team

The team at 3Jinn embodies a unique blend of talents, collectively dedicated to fostering connections within the entrepreneurial community. Comprising dreamers and doers with varied expertise, we support entrepreneurs from concept to launch, offering a nurturing platform for every stage of their journey. At 3Jinn, innovation, collaboration, and success merge, transforming ambitious visions into tangible achievements. Join us in this vibrant ecosystem where your entrepreneurial dreams are nurtured and realized.

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